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Guide to a happier life in only 7 steps

It's the new year, you've survived 2020 only for things to feel no different at all when you wake up on January first. To make things worse every other Instagram post is telling you how to be a new you or giving you advice on how to shift those extra Christmas pounds. This gives you no motivation and only serves to make you feel worse. These are my tried and tested ways to get over what I can only describe as a 'funk' this new year.


The best thing you can do for yourself this year and any other is look after yourself. It can take some time to figure out what that means for you, and this can change from day to day.

If you need to take a long soak in the bath or spend half an hour engrossed in a good book to get through today, then do it. No questions, no hesitation, no guilt.

Befriend your body

Your body is yours and it's the only one you've got so please look after it, and above all else be kind to it. It has carried you through 100% of your worst days and will continue to do so.

Exercise is great for your body and your mind, but don't feel pressure to do things you don't enjoy. Take a walk, stretch a little, drink that water. Your body will thank you.

Allow yourself time to rest

When all is said and done, let yourself rest. The housework can wait and it will still be there tomorrow, put less pressure on yourself to have everything done now. Break things down into smaller tasks so they become less overwhelming and much easier to tackle. Then forgive yourself if something is left over. Keep track of what you've achieved, not what you've missed.

Spend with intention

Money troubles can really weigh heavy, and whilst buying cool stuff can make you happy in the short term if you're spending over budget it only ends in tears. Small purchases can quickly add up to a shockingly large amount. My biggest tip for this is leave it in your basket at the very least until the next day, if you're still thinking about it then it might be worth it, however nine times out of ten you'll have forgotten about whatever it was you HAD to have.

Create boundaries

This is a difficult one, most of us have a real fear of using the word 'No.' This counts for everyone in your life from friends and family, coworkers and even strangers. If something makes you unhappy you have permission to say or ask them to stop, and no one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable. Take a deep breath, summon your inner bad*as (and YES, you do have one) then speak your truth. You got this and I believe in you.

Let go

Another tricky one is letting go of things that no longer serve you. In the words of Marie Kondo "Does this spark joy?" This method can not only be applied to your closet but all other aspects of your life too. A big thing to do under this one is let go of any relationships which may have become toxic or painful for you.


Currently being in the middle of a pandemic as well as in and out of lockdowns, routine is something that very easily goes out of the window. Something I know to be true for my own mental health is that a lack of routine instantly has a negative impact. How can you combat this? Set your alarm, get dressed, go on your daily walk at the same time each day. Give yourself some kind if structure in your life and hold yourself accountable, this will let your body clock and your brain adjust and know what to expect from each day.

In conclusion

Take these things one small step at a time. Promise yourself this week I will have a healthy breakfast every day, celebrate when you do it, give yourself no bother when you don't. These small habits will begin to add up and all have a positive impact on your life, it won't be long before you start to feel a difference. I know, because I've done it myself, and whilst the end of 2020 might have spoiled my routine I'm looking forward to getting back to my best, beginning with a promise to myself of completing my skin care morning and night.

We've got this gang, and after all we may not be in the same boat, but we are weathering the same storm.




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